Contact Us

Executive Officers

Carol Pinkans [email protected]

Kelly Verdi [email protected]

Vice President
Cheryl Schweider [email protected]

Lauren Nels [email protected]

Amanda Falling [email protected]
Preservice Representatives 

Preservice Representatives to the Board of Trustees
Katharine Asenbauer and Charlottte Weiss (SUNY New Paltz) [email protected]


Awards and Honors
Cheryl Schweider [email protected]

Samantha Nolte-Yupari and Val Savage [email protected]

Cindy Henry [email protected]

Tim Needles and Cathryn Hunt [email protected]

District Membership
Alyssa Marchand and Cory Riemer [email protected]

Kathleen Pfeifer [email protected]

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Cai Chan, Rachel Lyons [email protected]

Higher Education Committee and Pre-Service Scholarship
Lauren Ramich [email protected]

Lisa Lawson [email protected]

Legislative Exhibit
Carol Pinkans and Christina Norris [email protected]

Museum Education
Lindsay Kranz [email protected]


NYS Council of Eduation Associations (NYSCEA) Representatives
Carol Pinkans [email protected]

NYS School Boards Association (NYSSBA) Exhibit
Kelly Verdi [email protected]

Olympics of the Visual Arts (OVA)
Anne Manzella [email protected]

Portfolio Project
Matt Wilson and Barbara Imperiale Sanders [email protected]

Professional Development/CTLE Credit
MaryBeth Aldous and Stefanie Abbey [email protected]

Gere Link, Kathleen Bushek, Phyllis Brown [email protected]

Sagamore Summer Institute
Michelle Schroeder and Beth Atkinson [email protected]

Social Media 
Kathryn Alonso-Bergevin [email protected]

Student Scholarships
Amanda Harris and Christina Coogan [email protected]

Anastasia Arriaga and Amanda Measer [email protected]

Supervision and Administration
vacant [email protected]

Youth Art Month (YAM)
Heather McCutcheon, Tracy Berges [email protected]

Cindy Henry [email protected]

  • E-Blast Communications/Program Promotions
    Cindy Henry and Lisa Federici [email protected]


Special Services
Membership, Revenues, Conference Registrar
Terri Konu [email protected]
Regional Contacts

For Regional Contacts, please visit your region page. 
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Region 1 Page
Region 2 Page
Region 3 Page
Region 4 Page
Region  5 Page
Region 6 Page
Region 7 Page
Region 8 Page
Region 9 Page
Region  10 Page
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Still Having Trouble? Contact [email protected].

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Use the purple MEMBER LOGIN button at the top of this page to log in with your User ID and Password. Naviagate to the MEMBER HOME page under the HOME menu. Use the MY PROFILE button to view and edit your profile information. 





