Legislative ExhibitThe NYSATA Legislative Exhibit is the flagship event for Youth Art Month and NYSATA's largest public display of student artwork in a government building. The exhibit is co-sponsored by New York State United Teachers (NYSUT). Founded in 1990, this student art exhibit is held in the Legislative Office Building in Albany each Spring, providing an exciting opportunity for students and their families to connect with their legislators. Due to complications with scheduling, this year's exhibit is virtual.
The NYSATA Legislative Exhibit is the flagship event for Youth Art Month and NYSATA's largest public display of student artwork in a government building. The exhibit is co-sponsored by New York State United Teachers (NYSUT). Founded in 1990, this student art exhibit is held in the Legislative Office Building in Albany each Spring, providing an exciting opportunity for students and their families to connect with their legislators. A committee of dedicated art educator volunteers makes all of the arrangements and notifies legislators of participants in their electoral districts. Legislators from across the state are invited to recognize the artistic accomplishments of their aspiring artist constituents at a reception for students, parents and teachers held on the 3rd Floor Terrace Level of the Legislative Office Building. Families may pre-arrange a meet-and-greet with the Assemblyman and/or Senator from their local district, which may include a photo session, office tour and/or written correspondences with their Legislators. The reception concludes with an interactive and inspiring ceremony. With the return of artwork, each student entrant receives a Certificate of Participation from NYSATA and a copy of the Legislative Student Art Exhibit brochure.