NYSED Thought Exchange

The New York State Education Department (NYSED) is accepting public comment beginning on Wednesday, May 4, 2023, on proposed modifications to the New York State approved Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) state accountability system under a two-year rebuild model for the 2023-24 and 2024-25 school year accountability determinations, using 2022-23 and 2023-24 school year results.   

To help inform public comment responses, NYSED has prepared a webinar, “Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Accountability Rebuild for the 2023-24 and 2024-25 School Years” available on the NYSED School and District Accountability webpage.  

The public comment survey form can be found on the NYSED School and District Accountability webpage. It is highly recommended that stakeholders view the webinar in its entirety before completing the public comment survey. 

NYSED is accepting public comment through Wednesday, May 17, 2023.    

Graduation Measures Current Thought Exchange Question

The New York State Blue Ribbon Commission on Graduation Measures invites you to respond to a new ThoughtExchange question:
What are the barriers, including the unseen barriers, to student achievement that are not reflected in current graduation requirements? How can we address those?

Participate in the discussion via ThoughtExchange

The deadline to respond is May 19, 2023. Thank you for your participation!

  Why Act NOW?

Your voice can be HEARD! 
Sharing your views on the importance of the arts in the high school curriculum, especially sequential arts courses and advanced studios beyond introductory level requirements, can protect the vibrancy of our high school art programs.

Art Education MUST be Represented!
A low response from Arts Educators to the January Question: What opportunities, experiences, and courses should be available to students in High School that align with their needs, dreams, and career exploration? Which of those should be mandatory? resulted in a word cloud where a focus on the arts were minimal. 

Thought Exchange Image

CLICK HERE to Contribute Your Comments


 Things to KNOW and SAY

KNOW: Some facts to cite! 

KNOW: Arts Regulations at Play

100.5(a)3(v) visual arts and/or music, dance, or theatre, one unit of credit

100.2(h) Availability of career and technical education and arts sequences:

  • All public school districts shall offer students the opportu­nity to complete a three- or five-unit sequence in each of the following areas: career and technical education and the arts.
  • All public school districts shall offer students the opportu­nity to begin an approved sequence in the arts in grade nine.
Previous Thought Exchange Questions

March 2023
Responses to the following ThoughtExchange question are in! View the March 2023 ThoughtExchange results here.
If you could design or redesign your high school experience, what would it look like and why would you value it?

February 2023
Responses to the following ThoughtExchange question are in! View the February 2023 ThoughtExchange results here.
Foundational skills, like initiative, time management, and collaboration, are shown to prepare students for school, college, career, civic engagement, and life, and are priorities of the business world. How can these skills be fostered and encouraged in K-12 education?

January 2023
Responses to the following ThoughtExchange question are in! View the January 2023 ThoughtExchange results here.
What opportunities, experiences, and courses should be available to students in High School that align with their needs, dreams, and career exploration? Which of those should be mandatory?

December 2022
Responses to the following ThoughtExchange question are in! View the December 2022 ThoughtExchange results here.
What are the skills and abilities most needed by NY State graduates to be successful in their chosen post-secondary path?Questions? Contact NYSATA Advocacy Coordinators Samantha Nolte-Yupari and Val Savage at advocacy@nysata.org